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Meeting –Thursday, October 23, 2008
Chair – Marcia Lambert

Present:  Marcia Lambert, Paul Falconer, Jan Kendall, Tom Moran, Sandi Power, Shirley    Walker, Jason Silva, Ellen Talkowsky, Judith Wolfe

Minutes of the September 23rd meeting were read and approved as written

Old Business

1. ~~TREE-MENDOUS holiday event-        
        Shirley  detailed the plans for the three day Christmas tree sales event . The event co-sponsored by Salem Main Streets will be held Friday through Sunday (11/28 – 11/30) at the kiosk on Front street. Trees will be provided by Nunan Florist and Greenhouse.  The business will give us a fifteen foot tree to decorate.  The tree will be set up by the company and the city.  The city will string the lights.  The city has agreed to issue necessary permits and will waive a one hundred dollar fee.  Hot chocolate and cider will be sold and Mary Ellen will demonstrate how to make evergreen roping.  Santa Claus is to make an appearance. The Committee and Main Streets will provide volunteers to “man” the event.   Main Streets will include the event in its “Holiday Happenings” brochure and Tom will contact the Gazette about the story to be run about the event.  The Shanty has volunteered to store foodstuffs and supplies for us.  The Committee will purchase the Christmas tree lights and will have a suitable banner made.

        A motion  was offered, seconded and passed authorizing  Shirley to research and indentify all the supplies and equipment the Committee needs to acquire for the event, to  determine costs and to authorize that Committee funds be disbursed accordingly.  

2.~~ The Tides Resturant fund raiser
        Jan thought the turn out for the event was disappointing.  Suggestions were offered as to what might be done in the future to improve the turn out.  Perhaps the event can be held in Salem at two or three restaurants at the same time. The city is to send the Tides a “thank you” note.

3    Traffic Island “round up”                   
        Sandi reported on Washington Street “gardens” planted by Committee members and on plans to add more bulbs to garden spots on Washington Street.  She noted the efforts of Salem Five, Treasures over Time, Graziani’s  and Eastern Bank to add plants to garden space in front of their businesses.  She also proposed some projects to take place in the Spring.

4.~ MBTA                                                
        Paul reported that he and Mary Ellen were to meet during the coming weekend to get plants and to work on transitioning the plantings at the MBTA to winter weather.  

5.  Newspaper boxes     
        Jason reported that the proposed ordinance governing the placement and care of newspaper boxes is before the city council and should be picked up after October.                
6.  Committee Tee shirts~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    
        Sandi has worked with Gorilla Printing Ltd. in creating a Tee Shirt logo design  for the Committee. The color is to be lapis blue with lime green lettering.  

        It was moved, seconded and passed that Sandi be authorized to order twelve shirts for Committee Members.

7.  ~Publicity~~~~
        Tom is following up on a story to be published in the Gazette that will focus on our accomplishments.  
        Shirley suggested that the Committee should have signs made to be displayed at Artist Row, Riley Plaza and for the Plant sale.  Notice on SATV was discussed.  
        Judith distributed copies of the Committee’s current page on the website.  She reported that Ellen has the authority to put up most anything we want and that we have space available for twelve to fourteen more links.  Ellen said we can put up pictures, letters etc.    Ellen will update the current page.
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    ~~~~~~
8.  Committee Vacancies~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   
        Sandi knows of a couple of candidates.  Tom suggested we make use of volunteers.  Many people are willing to volunteer for tasks but are hesitant to make a commitment to serve on a committee.         

New Business

1.  Committee Chairperson schedule  
        Committee chairpersons are:
                November 25th ---      Shirley
                January 27th ---           Jan
                February 24th ---         Sandi
                March 24th ---             Paul
2.   Donations
        Sandi has written letters to the landlords of the buildings that abut the traffic island and curbside plantings on Washington Street asking for donations.  Nothing has yet been received..

A motion to adjourn was offered, seconded and passed.

Respectfully submitted,
Judith Wolfe